“We forget that we are all dead men conversing with dead men.”
— Jorge luis Borges
“One believes that man can simply go straight ahead. One believes that man is free… But one does not see the cord that ties him to the well, that ties him, like an umbilical cord, to the womb of the earth. If he takes one more step, he dies…”
— Antoine de Saint Exupery
Originally, this article was supposed to be titled “The Empire of Lies,” but I realized that the cause of the lies is based on our subjugation to our senses. In the end, I thought “The Realm of Senses” was more appropriate.
“The Realm of Senses” is the title of a 1976 French-Japanese movie labeled as a psycho-erotica movie by the director Nagisa Oshima. Originally X-rated when released, it made its way to theaters.

Inspired by the true story of Sada Abe, an ex-prostitute who start getting involved with Oshizo Ishida, the tenant of the tavern where she became a maid.
The two quickly became entangled in a deeply sexual and passionate affair, which ultimately took a dark and tragic turn. Their relationship culminated in Sada strangling Oshizo Ishida, followed by the shocking act of castrating his genitals. Carrying the severed parts with her as she fled, Sada attempted but failed to take her own life.
Anyway, why am I telling you this story as an introduction?

Well, in the following development, I will try to demonstrate that in order for men and society to function correctly, it is important for men to have spiritual guidance that will lead them to follow the right path and nurture their personality for the greater good of society, and honor their creator unless you still think your ancestors were wild monkeys.
Without spiritual guidance, humans are left as easy preys in The Realm of the Senses.
Let’s start by defining what The Realm of Senses is and why men, when not moderating their own passions, can be led to the most awful atrocities such as violence, death, and murders.
What is The Realm of Senses?
The Realm of Senses is this world as how you perceive it, its reality making sense with our limited capacities to understand it. I say limited because what we experience of the world is a very thin layer of the actual reality.
Let’s have a closer look at our limitations:
Below is the comparison between our senses ability and the scope of reality:
- Vision (Visible Light)
- 0.35% (~350nm-750nm out of 1nm-100m wavelength spectrum)
- Hearing
- 0.15% (~20Hz-20kHz out of 1Hz-10MHz sound frequency range)
- Smell
- 1% (Rough estimate based on detected molecules vs. total possible volatile compounds)
- Taste
- 0.01% (Very limited range of flavors detectable compared to all chemical compounds)
- Touch
- 5% (Based on detected temperature, pressure, and vibration ranges compared to the full physical spectrum)

If you compile this information, humans can only perceive around 1.3% of what we call reality, this is a quite small number. However, all of our human experience is based on this tiny number, which we call the material world, and all our attention is focused on this materialistic point of view of things.
As a consequence, we are attached to The Realm of Senses. Apostasy and Materialism became the new religion and its increase in power pushes us even more into of The Realm. What is left to people without The Realm of Senses? THE VOID.
The Void is probably one of the most unpleasant feelings, so most of us would rather stay away from it by staying comfortably in The Realm.
Accordingly, we consume, we eat, we get high on drugs, we have sex: Ecstatic!!! And then we start the vicious cycle all over again! We drink, we shout, we eat, we fuck…..we continually consume ourselves.
Thankfully, we have people like Freud, Jung, and others who invented for us psychology and psychiatry, along with petrochemical drugs for us to feel better when our dopamine rushes have faded away and we are left with The Void and torments.
In our materialistic world, no space is left for the unseen. Everything has to be rationalized through our senses; this is The Realm of the Senses.
The Living Dead in The Realm of Senses
“Unable to be an artist or a creator, one must make do with their own life. The only way to avoid boredom is to serve something greater… But everything in this world is small. The most perfected system of soul annihilation in history. Nobility of heart, in exile and unemployed.”
— Dominique Venner, Carnets rebelles volume 1, La Nouvelle Librairie, 2021.
The Realm of Senses is a soul trap, it removes what makes you human: ”Your Soul.” What we are witnessing is a dehumanization of human beings. While it can be difficult to perceive, everything in our modern societies is deliberately made to get you lost in The Realm of Senses, and to ultimately lose our most precious gift; YOUR SOUL.
A considerable percentage of the people we meet on the street are people who are empty inside, that is, they are actually already dead. It is fortunate for us that we do not see and do not know it. If we knew what a number of people are actually dead and what a number of these dead people govern our lives, we should go mad with horror.
— George Gurdjieff – 1921
“It’s terrifying to think that we survive amidst a crowd of dead people whom we believe to be alive; that the friend, the companion, the brother perhaps, whom we saw this morning […] is barely different, in reality, from those who are decomposing in their graves.”
— Léon Bloy, In the Darkness.

“What are they doing (in the supermarket), Why do they come here? – It’s kind of Instinct, memory, what they used to do, it played an important place in their mind.”
– Dawn of the Dead ( Movie ) 1978 by Georges Romero
Zombies eating flesh makes me think about people eating very fast with the impossibility to refrain from food, appreciate it or even try to eat patiently. This is known as Gluttony; a lack of self-control in which you lose your free-will against an insatiable desire.
Have you ever caught yourself opening the fridge with 2 wonders? The first being, WTF am I going to eat? And the second, WTF am I doing here?
If so, no worries, be patient, you can step back.
I have always wondered if Zombie movies were always a way to mock our human condition. The condition in which so many people are “spiritually dead” or are “Soulless Beings.” However, if you are reading this, there is a very high probability that a flame in your heart will help you to rise spiritually and ascend from The Realm of Senses.
The Link to the not so Great Reset.
To understand the concept better and how it ties to the not so “Great Reset,” let’s read what Mr. Yuval Harari declared:
“In such a situation, the old democratic system stops functioning. We need to reinvent democracy for this new era in which humans are now hackable animals. The whole idea that humans have this soul or spirit and they have free will and nobody knows what’s happening inside me so whatever I choose, whether in the election or whether in the supermarket, this is my free will — that’s over.”
The reason why Mr. Harari is saying this is because he understands very well where we are after almost 250 years of globalist propaganda, and men are just the shadows of what they used to be. Just Zombies living only for the next thing they are going to devour or the next dumb tv show they are going to watch; completely dehumanized!
This process has started since the dawn of man in the Garden of Eden as explained in my article “From Eden To AI.” We are approaching the culmination where man almost lost his god-like features completely and is now, more or less like an animal. The most god-like feature men have is its free-will. Unfortunately, it is now lost as all the knowledge has been taken from us.
“Communism is the perfected form of globalism, a program inherited from a Talmudic and Kabbalistic thought process of organizing the planet into a materialistic, collectivist, surveillance-oriented system, ultimately leading to global governance.”
— Pierre Hillard PhD., Interview on NTD (French Media)
The Causes
Tikkun Olam
If you haven’t read “The Order of the Tikkun Olam,” it’s about time!
But let me get you back on track in the next few lines.
Modern Judaism consists of a messianic plan in which the ultimate goal is the subjugation of non-Judaic faith people. To do this, they created the concept of Tikkun Olam, the “repair of the world,” which has nothing to do with repair but the actual destruction of our world, and the removal of our freedom under the guise of democracy and social justice.
The modern Judaic faith has almost nothing spiritual but resides in the action with the idea to “Fashion the World as The kingdom of g-d.” In other words, put godly principles in our world to make it perfect. Once perfected, Jewish people hope that by their action, they can end the curse of the Garden of Eden and show god that they are worth being saved. Of course, to do that, they need to commit all the unimaginable sins to pursue their goal. To understand fully, take the time to read the original article about this topic.
With a touch of truthful humor, people of Judaic faith found a remedy to avoid the consequences of their own sins with the event of Kaparot just before Yum Kippour. Organized by Jewish communities, it involves killing chickens and transferring their sins to them, so that the chicken goes to hell instead of them, hence removing their karmic debt.

I digress, but the reason why we are being more and more plunged into The Realm of Senses is because Tikkun Olam is oriented toward the Materialist world. It is also the reason why religions, especially Christianity is a target, because it teaches you things like temperance and moderation in your life. Moreover, it helps you take back your free-will.
Contemporary people are really confused, they experience a conflict between Orthodox spirituality and the modern materialistic world. Passions thrive in people’s souls. I have come to the conclusion that all people’s passions have something in common: egoism, the absence of love. This significantly complicates their lives. They lack a sense of direction. It is essential that they receive answers to their questions. I think the answer lies in the change of their lifestyles. Only then can a person reform and his problems vanish…..I always feel the tragedy of modern man, who does not know God, but in the depths of his soul he seeks Him. People look for answers, I advise them to read the Gospels. All the answers are there.
–Martyr Jose Muñoz-Cortes
After this little digression about the influence of Jewish messianism in our culture, you should be able to understand why we are under a foul grip. Grip in French is “emprise,” from the same Latin root of empire.
Empire is, in both cases, refers to the authority over its territorial dominion but also the grip on your body that does not let your soul shine because you live in your senses; aka The Realm of Senses.
We have now reached a point where the quote of Rene Descartes, “I think therefore I am” could be swapped from, “Cogito Ergo Sum” to “Coit Ergo Sum”; I copulate, therefore I am.
“We will place sexuality at the forefront of human interests. As a social anesthetic, nothing works better. In general, we will ensure that seriousness is banished from existence, that anything of high value is ridiculed, and that a constant glorification of frivolity is maintained; so that the euphoria of advertising and consumption becomes the standard of human happiness and the model of freedom.”
– Günther Anders Philosopher
The Realm’s influence and power is getting stronger by the day and apostolic humans have not found a way for their salvation, except the taste for continuous pleasure and lust. Of course, men have been pushed into those revolutions, especially what they call freedom and the “Sexual Revolution” of the 1960s. As expected, most people think that this is for the greater good as it is for our freedom. But is it, really?
Aren’t we enslaved by this society of pleasure that many people call “The Pleasures of Life”?
Of course, one needs to realize that the social engineers planned to do this; we have been promoted sexuality and life conception as separate things, while they should be just one thing in a normal world. Everything has been done in the last 70 years to promote sexual pleasure as a way of life, which in the end is a mortuary one because there is no life outcome from a purely sexual relationship.
We have been assisting with the dehumanization of human beings as I explained in my article EDEN to AI. The rise of the body instead of the spirit. Once you understand this, it is easy to picture why things are turning upside down in this world.
“The Revolution is that occult, universal, formidable power, essentially anti-Christian, which for several centuries has been shaking all parts of Europe. It is the Spirit of Evil, blowing over the world with a violence unknown since the establishment of Christianity. It is Satan himself, seeking by all means to bring God down and elevate himself, in order to reclaim his former dominion over humanity, his dupe and his slave.”
We are all inmates on the death-row in this world. As such, men needed to find ways to lead their lives the best as they could.
Our senses make us blind in the world; they are our own jail. The fact that society promotes “The Realm of Senses” through “The Spectacle” AKA, pornography, food, auditory or any of our senses lead us to be slaves of the system. Thus, this search for constant pleasure to release our suffering is endless and dangerous as it will never be entirely fulfilled. We are all drug addicts seeking for a new dopamine rush.
The old world was able to master with spiritual nourishment, to grow and master your mind and soul. These days, kids are sent to a psychotherapist, and often given medicine like Ritalin to feel good again in order to be able to revel in the pleasures of life again and again, and falsely win this spiritual imbalance through physical means. This is absolutely outrageous!
Why don’t people realize that they undeniably need a spiritual connection to elevate themselves, so that they do not get devoured by The Realm of Senses that will eventually lead to the destruction of all humans?
“We are the disinherited. We have been deprived of any past because the educators who decided our education believed themselves superior to our ancestors. Raised like royal children, as adults we have become emotionally fragile, undone by the slightest failure or the most insignificant reproach. We grew up transitioning from the mawkish sentimentality of Disney to trashy, free-access porn; our relationship with love and sexuality is of the same order as our relationship with consumption: we want everything, immediately, and we are discouraged when faced with difficulty.”
Academia Christiana: A Catholic and Rooted Adventure Victor Aubert

“It is legal atheism, established as a system of civilization, that has plunged the world into a deluge of blood.”
Benedict XV
The Solutions.
Regardless of whether you are Christian or not, Christianity has been a strong backbone for western values. Christianity is, in my opinion, the strictest religion because it is the complete rejection of the modern world. Everything you do in this Realm should not be done in excess. Christianity teaches you patience, appreciation, respect, and humility.
Jesus answered: ”My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now My kingdom is not from here.”
John 18:36
While I am not going to delve into every aspect of “The Realm of Senses,” throughout various cultures, it is interesting to note that Tibetan Buddhism also calls it Kamadhatu, “The Realm of Desire.”
It is said that only the human Realm of Desire (Kamadhatu) gave the opportunity to transcend through to enlightenment by understanding the trap we are in through “eyes-opening” to the reality.
We can obviously see the links here between Christianity and Buddhism, where man can transcend this Realm.

On the Opposite side, The Void is sometimes embraced by religion and even sought as a way to master your own mind and avoid the pain of being constantly in The Realm of Senses

Pascal’s Wager
Pascal’s Wager is a philosophical concept by Blaise Pascal in the 17th century.
It offers a pragmatic approach about “faith” rather than a rational or theological one.
Pascal claims that it is rational to bet on God’s existence rather that not believing at all with the following demonstration:
1- Two possibilities: God Exists or God does not exist
2- Two actions possible: Believe in God or Not believe in God.
As a result, Pascal established a table of hypothetical results with those possibilities:
- If God exists and you believe in him, you gain everlasting happiness
- If God exists and you do not believe in him, you lose everything (Damnation)
- If God doesn’t exist and you believe in him, you do not lose significant things (at worst, some of The Realm’s pleasures)
- If God doesn’t exist and you do not believe in him, you do not gain anything more.
As a conclusion, Pascal said it is better to believe in God as the potential gain far out-values on other losses than the risk of not believing.
Overall, the bet on believing in God is, according to Pascal, the more rational choice.
Dying in The Realm of Senses.
In the Realm, we don’t want to die because it is said to be the Big Void. Because of that, we are afraid of dying and we end up clinging to life in a hospital rather than experiencing a heroic and brave death. Isn’t life about preparing for your own death? What is the point of ending up facing death in a hospital when you had time to leave under better circumstances? I wonder.
Why keep chasing things in The Realm of Senses…what will really be left at the end? Obviously, you have to be so busy with your ego and your own pleasure. Perhaps you did not have time to think about yourself and prepare for it?
“It always ends like this. With death. But before that, there was life, hidden beneath the blah blah blah blah blah… All of it covered by chatter and noise, Silence and feeling. Emotion and fear. The fleeting, flickering sparks of beauty, and then this wretched baseness, and miserable humanity. All of it buried under the weight of the embarrassment of being in the world. Blah blah blah blah blah… Elsewhere, there is elsewhere. I do not concern myself with elsewhere. So, let this novel begin. In the end, it’s just an artifice. Yes, it’s only an artifice.” Jep Gambardella – La grande Bellezza, film de Paulo Sorrentino 2013
Reading these lines might make you feel The Void and that insatiable desire to return to The Realm of Senses, or maybe you are laughing as you’re reading these words, and you should be. Maybe it’s a sarcastic laugh that I often hear in my surroundings, especially when people do not want to hear uncomfortable but valid arguments.
I sincerely encourage people to look at things differently on all topics even if it disturbs them or scare them. For example, thinking humans are just Darwin’s monkeys versus humans were created by God. Which argument leads you to give up your power to an authority? The first, of course! If you are just a Monkey with a slightly more advanced brain, we are then just animals whose goal is to excel in The Realm of Senses: reproduce, eat, fight, play, copulate; Restart! On the other hand, if you are God’s creation, then no one should be able to control you because you are a free-willed human. Let that sink in!
So dear comrade, what are you going to choose? Ascend through a stairway to heaven or take the easy path to the highway to hell? Or are you in hell already? Or possibly, The Realm of Senses IS Hell with nice garments?
“It is not possible to turn the earth into paradise; we must simply prevent it from becoming hell.” Blessed Patriarch Paul of Serbia
I arise today
Through the strength of heaven;
Light of the sun,
Splendor of fire,
Speed of lightning,
Swiftness of the wind,
Depth of the sea,
Stability of the earth,
Firmness of the rock.
I arise today