While Tikkun Olam may sound familiar to some readers as the term has been used in music, entertainment, and the arts on numerous occasions, it remains completely occult in its meaning and its source for the vast majority of people. Tikkun Olam is a key concept from Judaism, which literally means “the repair of the world”. Sometimes, Tikkun can refer to the following meaning: repair, establish, institute, edit, restore, heal, prepare, legislate, improve, perfect, remedy; Olam seems to be universally accepted as “The World.” First, let’s try to understand its origin from a Judaic perspective and then let’s dig into the consequences it has on our daily lives. After having written From Eden to AI and AI as the New Frankenstein, what are the ramifications of Tikkun Olam? What if transhumanism, feminism, mass immigration, LGBTQ+ movements, social justice, climate change and communism are all inextricably connected together to bring about the achievement of Tikkun Olam called tikkum ha-ba (the world to come)? Please do not forget that Tikkun Olam should be understood in Kabbalistic terms and that Kabbalah is “playing with the opposite.” As an example, olam is “thought to derive from the same root as the word ‘to conceal’ (le-ha’alim).” I admit the first part of this article is lengthy and heavy to digest as it relates a lot to ancient Kabbalist writings and religious issues. But one thing I assure you is that you will have a good understanding how all the pieces fit together; Good luck comrades!

Why the “repair of the world”?


“le-takken ‘olam be-malkhut shaddai”—to fashion the world as the kingdom of God
— Aleinu prayer, p2 [0i]

The Aleinu prayer is said during the daily prayer services and is often recited at the conclusion of other religious ceremonies. It holds an important meaning in Jewish traditions. It is a central concept to understand; so is Tikkun Olam as it expresses the repair of the world to make it as “the kingdom of god”.
In 1666, the personage of Sabbatai Zevi came forward and declared himself as the messiah of the Jews. He developed the concept of “redemption through sins,” which cannot be developed completely in this writing as it would make a rather long essay, so I will just say the following.
In the generation preceding Sabbatai Zevi, it was Rabbi Isaac Luria who gave birth to “the Lurianic Kabballah and the concept of ‘restoring the world’” (olam ha-tikkun).
According to Lurianic Kabballah, men have detached from God through Original Sin and its only way is to “repair the world” through its new human condition and reach “olam ha-ba” (the world to come), which will begin with the end of man’s earthly life.

Blessed art thou, Lord our God, King of the Universe, who makes the forbidden things permissible.

Hence, this can only be done through perversion and inversion in order to obtain a divine manifestation, in the hope that we would be worthy of God to be saved.

As long as the last divine sparks (nitzotzot) of holiness and good which fell at the time of Adam’s primordial sin into the impure realm of the kelipot (the hylic forces of evil whose hold in the world is particularly strong among the Gentiles) have not been gathered back again to their source—so the explanation ran—the process of redemption is incomplete. It is therefore left to the Redeemer, the holiest of men, to accomplish what not even the most righteous souls in the past have been able to do: to descend through the gates of impurity into the realm of the kelipot and to rescue the divine sparks still imprisoned there. As soon as this task is performed the Kingdom of Evil will collapse of itself, for its existence is made possible only by the divine sparks in its midst. The Messiah is constrained to commit “strange acts” (ma’asim zarim; a concept hereafter to occupy a central place in Sabbatian theology), of which his apostasy is the most startling; all of these, however, are necessary for the fulfillment of his mission.
— Gershom Scholem

To put this in perspective, it’s at the complete opposite of what Christians believe. Let’s consider the following quotes:

“Nature has under gone a change since the fall of our first parents, and redemption was designed, not to produce a new creation, but to purchase final salvation for the old. Every thing, therefore, has remained degenerate with man; and this sovereign of the universe, who, created immortal, was destined to be exalted, without any change of existence, to the felicity of the celestial powers, cannot now enjoy the presence of God till, in the language of St. Chrysostom, he has passed through the deserts of the tomb.”
“The Genius of Christianity” — François-René de Chateaubriand (1802)

For Isaac Luria (1534–1572), the foremost leader of the community of mystics in Safed in the Galilee and considered the father of contemporary Kabbalah, the idea of tikkun olam was based on the notion that the ten vessels that contained the perceptible world of divinity had shattered, bringing evil into the world. The broken vessels required repair, and this would become the greatest mission of humanity. [ 10 ]

In these 2 opposing views for humans to reunify with God, one is the Christian side, made through salvation. The other by repairing the world and making it a mankind mission. One involves redemption through salvation, while the other involves redemption through sins. Isn’t redemption through sins a bit of a twisted idea?

“While the Spanish Kabbalists saw redemption as essentially a miraculous event unrelated to human endeavor, the alternative view espoused by the followers of Lurianic Kabbalah was that redemption is no more than an external manifestation of internal tikkūn (“restitution” or “reconstitution”), which depends on the deeds of Israel and its way of life. Salvation is thus seen as dependent on human action, which initiates the messianic advent. ”Salvation and Redemption in the Judaic Tradition” — David Rosen

The modern version of Tikkun Olam became more widespread in the 16th century, and we see the obvious reality of it and all its implications in the material world and not in the spiritual world, as it depends on “human actions” and “the deeds of Israel”.
The Frankism movement created by Jacob Frank, following the teachings of Sabbatai Zevi helped tremendously to popularize ”redemption through sins “ among Jewish communities; in other words, doing things that violate Jewish Traditions. It includes: ritual incest, debauchery, eating forbidden food, and etc. It’s important to note that Jacob claimed to be the reincarnation of Sabbatai Zevi, who had also called himself the Jewish Messiah.

But there were more radical possibilities to be explored [than just taking the cloak of evil]: only the complete transformation of good into evil would exhaust the full potential of the latter and thereby explode it, as it were, from within. This dialectical liquidation of evil requires not only the disguise of good in the form of evil but total identification with it (Jacob Frank as quoted by Scholem 1973:801).


The spread of Lurianic Kabbalism with its doctrine of Tikkun, of the restitution of cosmic harmony through the earthly medium of a mystically elevated Judaism, this doctrine could not but lead to an explosive manifestation of all those forces to which it owed its rise and its success (Scholem 1941:287).


One significant event in history was the French Revolution, which marked the end of the French kings dynasties that were called “the eldest sons of the Church,” and France, “the daughter of the church,” since the Baptism of King Clovis I (the first king of France) in 496. This event, sold to us, of course, as progress and as a legitimate revolution, marks a huge step in the destruction of Christianity, and the take over by the Frankist cult on our lives. The Frankists played a major role in the French revolution with the figure of Moses Dobruschka (1753-1794); the first cousin of Jacob Frank’s mother.

Now, fast forward to the present. Do I need to tell you that the WEF’s “Great Reset” is another manifestation of Tikkun Olam?

Messianism has always been concerned with the restoration of national existence. Although it extends beyond this, apocalyptic messianism has almost spontaneously reconciled ancient promises and traditions with new reasons to adhere to them, through new interpretations and reinterpretations. As a result, messianism has acquired a dual aspect in Jewish consciousness, which it has maintained ever since. These two aspects of messianism are based on the words of the prophets, where they are encountered more or less explicitly. One aspect emphasizes the cataclysms and destructions that must accompany the arrival of redemption, while the other aspect presents an utopia regarding what the messianic realities will be. Jewish messianism, in its origin and nature—which cannot be emphasized enough—anticipates historical cataclysms. It foretells revolutions and catastrophes that are to occur during the present historical time and the future messianic era. These cataclysms and grim visions take on a new and specific form in the vision of the coming of the Messiah. They are indeed found in the era of transformation or destruction that will witness the birth of messianic redemption. This is why this period is viewed in Judaism as the time of the suffering associated with the birth of the Messiah. — Gershom Scholem – Le messianisme Juif p 32

The Time magazine, October 2020 featuring “the Great Reset” as a title and an illustration showing the earth being repaired.

Rebuild the Third Temple & Restore Israel

As we have seen in the preceding paragraphs, “redemption is no more than an external manifestation of internal tikkūn, which depends on the deeds of Israel and its way of life.”
To rephrase this, peace on earth will happen once the temple is rebuilt and the greater Israel moves back to its original border. Israel is intrinsically linked with Tikkun Olam since it is considered as the central place of the creation of the world as well as in the teachings of Jacob Frank.

I imagine and dream about Jerusalem becoming the capital of the planet unified around a world government. […] Peace in Jerusalem is the condition for the messiah to come.”
— Jacques Attali – French political adviser

At the outset, it should be pointed out that the terms, redemption and salvation, have a radically different connotation from that which they have in Christian theology. As Abravanel has convincingly proved, Jewish redemption stands for the physical liberation and freedom of Israel. For, the people of Israel will attain the height of their spiritual functions and potentialities only through their attainment of material freedom and liberty.
— Michael higger, Ph.D. – Jewish Utopia

Transhumanism, the Public Relation of Tikkun Olam

To understand the links between transhumanism and Judaism, let’s read an excerpt from the poem called The Golem:

Adam knew it in the Garden, so did the stars.
The rusty work of sin, so the cabbalists say, obliterated it completely; no generation has found it to this day.
The cunning and naïveté of men are limitless.

We know there came a time when God’s people,
searching for the Name, toiled in the ghetto,
matching rhyme to rhyme.


Little by little it found itself, like us,
caught in the reverberating weft
of After, Before, Yesterday, Meanwhile,
Now, You, Me, Those, the Others, Right and Left.
That cabbalist who played at being God
gave his spacey offspring the nickname Golem.

— Jorge Luis Borges [p1]

The Sentinel, April 22, 1965 from The Librarians

Transhumanism is a marketing term created and utilized in order for the masses to support the creation of a new golem. In other words, transhumanism is the shiny, public, and hubristic image of Tikkun Olam. The support of this plan has to occur across the board of the human sciences: sociology, politics, psychology, natural sciences, and etc. in order to remove God from all of them. Thus, brainwashing the public to embrace a materialistic understanding of the world. Furthermore, it must be achieved through pop/mainstream culture, specifically by utilizing various forms of entertainment – such as art, movies, music, and performing arts – to promote this ideology.

Now that the minds of men belong to them, the last step is to have full control of the body. We lost our connection from God little by little by gaining reason. At this point in time, it looks like the connection is close to being fully lost and the duality is gone. As we have seen in the previous articles, this is part of the so-called 4th industrial revolution where man becomes unified as a node in the production system.

In Kabbalah, man needs to return to its original state of being, which is called Adam Kadmon, the most primary form of human that is directly unified with god. He also needs to be androgynous and become god-like. As he becomes god-like, he also needs to remove his embodiment by being destroyed by its own new creation to be reunited with its source. By doing so, man will be accomplished because he will give the soul to its new golem creating this endless cycle. We killed God but by destroying ourselves and becoming god-like, we reunite with him; by losing our own soul.

Of course, before this happens and as we have seen before, this repair needs to be done in the physical realm and this, as previously mentioned above, is a key concept in Judaism.
“The broken vessels required repair, and this would become the greatest mission of humanity.” [ 10 ]

In order to do that, a new world religion needs to be implemented. But, also man should be able to transcend death. In the book “Israel, le 6e GAFAM2,” it is stated that “Israel, with the mastering of Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Information technology, and Cognitive sciences (NBIC), it should be able to be ‘repaired’ just like a machine.” Hence, hoping for eternal life that was taken away after the Original Sin or “the Cosmic Incident,” according to the Kabballah.

We see these trends with all those trans- movements. Trans is not transformation; trans means beyond. So when we say transgenderism, this means beyond gender, as the body itself and its characteristics do not matter anymore. The reason I am emphasizing this is that here again, the body disappears and only the mind matters. This looks like the start of a dangerous trend. I wouldn’t be surprised to see techno-clinics popping up promising you eternal life for your friends and family by transferring your mind to the machine, which would be totally impossible.
Surely, for most people, it would be impossible to know whether something is true or not, as your cyber surrogate would know all of you based on all your data since you started using the internet.
Merging or transferring your mind to a machine sounds like a very bad idea to me.

This process will greatly benefit human beings because computers will solve human problems, and when human beings upload their minds into machines, they will not only live longer, happier lives, but they will also attain immortality, the very end that traditional religions promised their adherents. Since salvation will finally be attained in the “disembodied paradise” of cyberspace, Geraci is right to claim that “Apocalyptic AI is techno-religion for the masses.”
Hava Tirosh-Samuelson – Transhumanism as a secularist faith

As we can see, here both transhumanism and Judaism are secularist faiths as they both advocate for a so-called progress or a human-centered progress.

The New Religion

In order for god to manifest to men, it requires, according to Judaism, to repair the world, so that it becomes closer to god in its original state. This new religion will, according to the Talmud, be based on the laws that were given by God to Adam, and then passed over to Noah. This religion called Noahidism is intended for non-jews.

The rainbow is the unofficial symbol of Noahidism, recalling the Genesis flood narrative in which a rainbow appears to Noah after the Flood; it represents God’s promise to Noah to refrain from flooding the Earth and destroying all life again.

Here are the 7 Noahide Laws:

  • adjudication (dinim)
  • idolatry (avodah zarah)
  • blasphemy (qilelat ha-Shem)
  • sexual immorality (gilui arayot)
  • blood-shed (shefikhut damim)
  • robbery (gezel)
  • concerning a limb torn from a living animal (ever min ha-hay)

As I have mentioned before, the repair of the World has to be done through perversion and inversion, because in order to bring this new religion, all these laws need to be broken through wars, blood, and suffering. This religion is already being pushed through various means.

The following resolution from US congress (H.J.Res.104), introduced by Rep. Robert H. Michel, designates March 26, 1991, as “Education Day, U.S.A.” to honor Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, leader of the Lubavitch movement, on his 89th birthday. The resolution recognizes the importance of the Seven Noahide Laws, ancient ethical principles from Jewish tradition, as foundational to civilized society. It expresses concern over the weakening of these moral values, which are seen as critical to addressing modern societal crises. The resolution calls on the President to proclaim this day for educational activities focused on promoting these universal ethics, reflecting the intersection of religious values and public responsibility. [r02]

The applications of these laws for non-jews are being pushed worldwide and some other groups are also pushing to allow decapitation for those not respecting these laws. If they were passed, it would automatically condemn Christians to be decapitated.

While the Bible refers primarily to one method of capital punishment, stoning, and legislates burning for two crimes, the Rabbis describe four methods of capital punishment, adding decapitation and strangulation.
— Berkowitz: Negotiating Violence and the Word in Rabbinic Law

Now, let’s listen to Tucker Carlson spreading his love for these laws and how much he likes reading the Talmud.

The Means of Tikkun Olam

As we have seen, Transhumanism is one of the greatest tools of Tikkun Olam to serve as a guidance for humans, as this is literally leading the world we know today, under the guise of progress. While tikkun olam is intrinsically connected with transhumanism, there are also other movements that are intertwined together such as “social justice”, “extreme feminism”, and “social egalitarianism” that I will elaborate on in the following paragraphs.

Man was an Androgyne

As a consequence, in order to bring humans back to their original androgynous state, the terms of social justice was brought to make us buy social changes with the “ism” suffix: Wokism, Feminism, Transgenderism, Communism, and etc. All this, of course, as always, under the guise of freedom, peace, and social justice. Since the 60s, the definition of tikkun olam has come to be closely associated with “social justice” or “the establishment of Godly qualities throughout the world.”

Surely, to accomplish this, annihilating Christianity is a necessity to implement these policies and make-believe this as a progress for society; otherwise this would not have been accepted by public opinion.

Our modern societies, unfortunately, give value to men that look more and more like women, lacking testosterone and masculinity. They even call it “toxic masculinity”; our way of living is completely destroying men.

The same goes for women who advocate for more freedom and independence. They want to be more independent, which is great, if it’s really a conscious choice and a well-thought decision; unfortunately, it’s not for most of them and thus, it is a tragedy. What is more beautiful for a women is to bring up a baby and nurture him to grow into a well-rounded and accomplished adult. But no, instead, abortion is something that is promoted under some kind of “pride” and “right.” As a consequence, France revised its constitution to make it a constitutional right in 2024 [r01].

In the end, we end up with unaccomplished men and women as most of them are depressed without knowing why they feel such emptiness and sorrow. Beyond these social disasters that are touted as victories, the countries implementing these policies are facing an alarming decline in birth rates. So, of course, we need mass immigration to fill the big gaps and I will talk later about this.

To prove my point, here are the eight gender identities discussed in the Torah and the Talmud:

  1. Zachar: This term refers to individuals who are assigned male at birth and identify as male and refer
  2. Nekevah: This term refers to individuals who are assigned female at birth and identify as female.
  3. Androgynos: Individuals who possess both male and female characteristics or qualities. They may identify as a combination of male and female or as having a non-binary gender identity.
  4. Tumtum: Individuals whose gender is not clearly defined.
  5. Ay’lonit: Individuals who are assigned female at birth but do not develop secondary sexual characteristics during puberty. It can be understood as describing individuals who may have a non-binary gender identity or who do not fit into traditional gender categories.
  6. Saris: Individuals who are assigned male at birth but are unable to reproduce or do not develop secondary sexual characteristics during puberty. It can be understood as describing individuals who may have a non-binary gender identity or who do not fit into traditional gender categories.
  7. Tumtum-Saris: Individuals whose gender is not clearly defined or who do not fit into traditional gender categories.
  8. Androgynos-Tumtum: Individuals who have a combination of male, female, and non-binary gender characteristics.

Don’t these different gender definitions remind you of anything in the news?

The Creation of a New Man

The “New Man” concept is found in Fascism, Communism and Transhumanism, specifically with Klaus Vondung, who argues that the New Man will be achieved through Transhumanism, which in turn will lead to the “Final Revolution”. The New Man has to be docile and its jail invisible. He will surely believe he is free when in reality, he isn’t. To do that, the souls of men need to be fomented.

“The production of souls is more important than the production of tanks…. And therefore I raise my glass to you, writers, the engineers of the human soul” — Joseph Stalin, “Speech at home of Maxim Gorky”, 26 October 1932

This quote from Joseph Stalin shows the importance of molding the mind of the people in order to control them. To achieve perfect equality, you need to remove religion, culture, and history from the mind of the new man so that he will submit easily to the new one. That is why Christianity is attacked and churches are being burned all across Europe without much say from the Western media.

To achieve this, as we have just seen, men need to become androgynous but also need to look the same to achieve equality.

The Appearance

Look at North Korea for example, only a few haircuts are allowed but not only this:

To reach full equality, men are required to wear the same apparel and have the same hairstyle. What if the promoted diversity is an Eugenic Agenda to attain this concept of New Man: “obeying and with limited capacities”.

“The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today’s races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.”
— Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi – Practical Idealism

Mr. Kalergi is well known for creating the Pan Europa in 1920, an organization that laid the first corner stones in the creation of the European Union.

So to create this one race, you would need, of course, to organize a massive immigration to promote diversity, and label everyone as a conspiracist, everyone that says otherwise.

Promote diversity, promote mixed-race marriage, and so change the image of the ideal man in Western societies. Sincerely speaking, I do not have any issues with that if the intention was really genuine, but it does not seem to be the case. The great replacement theory is becoming a reality for more and more people. Of course, this is labeled as a conspiracy theory by Wikipedia, and unfortunately, it is not.
It’s interesting to note that the wars in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya and Syria, most of them are close neighbors of Israel and have been backed up by the US. Does it sound like a good idea to welcome migrants from countries that have been destroyed by the west, while Israel does not accept any? Also, I wonder about why they are not going to Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of the Islamic religion, and why the diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel do not seem to be of any concern, while thousands of Palestinians are being massacred.

Stefan Molyneux – talking immigration


As we have seen, Tikkun olam is strongly associated with social justice; in other words, make everybody equal even though moral principles are broken. It makes what was considered immoral to moral through inversion and makes us think Egalitarianism is Equality.

But what is Egalitarianism? Egalitarianism is the philosophical perspective that everyone should have the same right and opportunities regardless of your attributes in all spheres of society. Are you a Transgender woman willing to become a boxing champion in the women’s category? Of course!

Competing as a limbless trunk athlete in the Paralympics to become a swimming champion? That’s true. If you were born without legs, you don’t immediately think you could become a marathon runner, but now you can. Isn’t it wonderful? Obviously, we are now very far from Greek values of Unity of the Body and the Spirit in sports.

It seems that we have entered an era without limits, and if you disagree with the above, you are considered a Fascist. I am thinking that Dr. Mengele, from Nazi Germany, famous for his experiments, would probably be utterly fascinated by the body mutilations of some young women that do this to themselves to become a man, even sometimes with the approval of their own parents.

This is a total inversion of Christian moral values and a complete forgery to try to “fashion the world as the Kingdom of God” on this earth…

Last but not least, a perfect communist paradise will not be achieved without the removal of private properties and possessions, but do I need to say anything more than “you will own nothing and you will be happy”.

Tikkun Olam and Environment

This is also obvious with the “environmental issue” – how man could get back to its original harmony with God without being in balance with nature. I will not delve into this too much as it could be a full article by itself, so I will just touch down on an important concept. Environmental issues are also a key concept in Judaism as man (Adam) and earth (Adamah) are strongly connected by their names.

Adam and Adamah. The first means «human being»; the second «earth». The two words are connected to teach us that human beings and the earth are intertwined. Neither the earth nor human beings run independent of each other; both are directly linked and have drastic and lasting effects on one another (Waskow 2003, vii).

What would be the best idea to repair the world in this case?

Entomophagy (eating insects)? Of course, it is Tikkun Olam and I quote: “The company, Tikkun Olam Inc., is a progressive umbrella of startups in America’s Rust Belt, one of which is Dean’s Urban Life Challenge, an environmentally-friendly cricket grower.”

How about human compost?
In this article, Hawkins, who advocates for more environmentally friendly Jewish burials, states the following: “[The body] has fully gone back to the earth,” she said. “It has done the ‘Adam to adamah’ thing.”

Rabbi Sydney Mintz add: ”If someone came to me to get my opinion on human composting, I would say yes!” she told J. in an email. “I believe that Jewish burial laws need to evolve in order to adapt to the seriousness of the planet and climate issues.”

To finish this quote, I share with you this picture of Rabbi Sydney Mintz (right side) with Kamala Harris, who seems to understand quite well about Tikkun Olam, as we will see in the next few lines talking about Politics.

Photo from: https://jweekly.com/2021/12/02/cissie-swig-and-rabbi-sydney-mintz-rep-bay-area-at-white-house-hanukkah-party/


Tikkun Olam in Politics.

Tikkun Olam is the central definition about what Judaism is at its core. Surprisingly, it is also used by many political leaders to lay down their political programs.
Isn’t it mind blowing to realize that many political leaders refer to tikkun olam while talking about their policies?
Do I need to talk again about what you had to go through reading this article: “Social Justice”, ”War in Israel”, “LGBT”, “Equality”… aren’t these topics basically covered all over the political leaders’ agendas?

I could have talked about other concepts like health and vaccines with Tikkun Hanefesh ( the repair of the soul), but this is already too much and overwhelming, so let’s just stick to politics and watch Kamala talking about tikkun Olam.

President Trump himself talked about Tikkun Olam during a Hanukkah Reception in 2019:

“So, I’m so proud that, at this time, we’re doing something that is so bipartisan.  And my wife, a blessed memory, would be smiling now because she loved America first, and Israel, and wanted to build bridges between the two places and have tikkun olam.  And I think this, more than anything, is going to help do that.  So thank you very much.  (Applause.)” [q01]

“It’s a sick and angry world for a lot of reasons and we’re going to make it better. We’re going to heal our world. We’re going to get rid of all these wars that are starting all over the place because of incompetence,” Trump said Wednesday from the New Holland Arena in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. 2024 [q02]


Congratulations comrade if you made it here!

As we have seen, the origin of modern Tikkun Olam of trying to repair the world is of Kabbalistic origin. The advent of Sabbatean Levi marks the beginning of the enlightenment and the path to what we call our “Modern Society”. So what is Tikkun Olam? Well, Tikkun Olam is the means to achieve a “New World” with all the tools we talked about and in total opposition with the ancient world that was based on Christian moral values, at least in the Western World.

Tikkun Olam is a means to communism, globalism , internationalism, an utopia, a messianic project, or a synonym to the World Revolution movement. Tikkun Olam is the destruction of the nations though its Marxist propaganda and war (feminism, LBGTism, mass immigration and subversion). All these topics are the headlines of the news and political agenda. Don’t get me wrong, most people working in those associations promoting those agendas are, of course, of goodwilled, but many of them are misled and abused by kindness. We have all been brainwashed by “healing the world” concept through music, education, and society as a whole, and who does not want a piece and heal the world?

There is some beauty to think about having a “world repaired” with men free of war, living in peace. I sincerely believe this is where we will be headed at some point, but the current policies of destruction of the Tikkun Olam are in fact a way to conserve capitalism until its inevitable destruction. The degeneracy of capitalism must meet its end because it cannot be repaired, but continue its alienation to its final destruction.

As we have seen, to reach this new state, all the laws given by God to Adam need to be breached because repairing the world means first destroying the current one. This explains a lot of the world events that we are currently experiencing. Do you think this is the right way to do this?

If God created us as his children, and let’s say we did make a mistake, do you really think that as our Father, he would agree that we destroy everything, hide the mess, “Build Back Better,” and try to look good to him? This sounds like a rebellious, malicious, and prideful child. What does a child naturally do? Well, he apologizes to his father in tears and asks for redemption.

I would like to emphasize that not all Judaic practitioners have this interpretation of the Tikkun. The one we have talked about is the active approach to bring the Messiah and the “World to come”, while the other has a more passive approach to it; however, the end goals are the same.

In the end: Is Tikkun Olam a goal meant for the redemption for all human beings, or just a few chosen fooled by their egos, thinking they can transcend their humans conditions?

My final question for you, do you think SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) could be part of this modern Tikkun Olam? I will leave this to your own judgement.

Walk with me, Creator, in the cool of today. Point out to me those things you’ve made for my pleasure and my nourishment. Show me the people you are inviting me to know, to care for, and to defend. Draw my attention to the subtle hints of your beauty, your glory, and your power. As I wander, fill me with wonder and worship at your presence. Amen.



  • [r01] https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-68471568
  • [r02] https://www.congress.gov/bill/102nd-congress/house-joint-resolution/104/text/enr
  • [p1] “El Golem” – Jorge Luis BorgesTranslated by Alan S. Trueblood https://fsgworkinprogress.com/2015/04/12/el-golem/
  • [0] The Mystic Heart of Judaism – Miriam Bokser Caravella
  • [0i] The Assimilation of Tikkun Olam* – Levi Cooper
  • **[1]**  [Jill Jacobs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jill_Jacobs_(rabbi)). [“The History of Tikkun Olam”](http://www.zeek.net/706tohu/),
  • [2] Sabbatianism: The Ruin of Purity; Mark N Zion Japanese Journal of Policy and Culture Vol. 24 (March 2016)
  • [10] Four Visions of Tikkun Olam – Patrick Beaulier
  • Tikkun olam in the ecological perspective -Katarzyna Miriam Kaczorowska1 ( 2021 )
  • [q0]
  • [q01] source: https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/briefings-statements/remarks-president-trump-hanukkah-reception-signing-executive-order-combating-anti-semitism/
  • [q02] https://www.rsbnetwork.com/news/donald-trump-news/trump-vows-to-heal-our-world-during-fired-up-hannity-town-hall/
France makes abortion a constitutional right Just a moment... “El Golem” | Work in Progress Jill Jacobs (rabbi) - Wikipedia Zeek | The History of "Tikkun Olam" | Jill Jacobs Remarks by President Trump at Hanukkah Reception and Signing of an Executive Order Combating Anti-Semitism – The White House Attention Required! | Cloudflare