“Did I request thee, Maker, from my clay To mould me man? Did I solicit thee From darkness to promote me ?

Adam in Paradise Lost (John Milton 10.743-745)

Don’t get me wrong! I love using AI and I keep using it on a daily basis. It helps me on many tasks and reduces the time drastically to perform tasks. So how did I even come up with this title?

How is AI, Frankenstein, and Transhumanism intricately intertwined?

Well, let’s get started. AI is the end game for globalists and to the people in the know, it is the end of humans or what makes us humans; our soul, our empathy and freedom. Men, since the beginning of time, mastered its environment with its intellect, lacking physical attributes that could help him defend himself against ferocious creatures. Revolution after revolution, we progressed and we have been told progress is something wonderful. From the mastering of agriculture 3000 years before Christ to the first, the second, the third and now the fourth industrial revolution.

Each of those revolutions had tremendous implications on our way of life. We became sedentaries with the first, we became urban and industrialized during the second. Then, more sedentaries dehumanized and automatized during the third. What about the fourth?

Well, humans are becoming useless, we become nodes in the system and as they said, we should merge with machines. Globalists are now wondering what they are going to do with us, the “useless eaters”; Video games? Human compost? Well, I would tend to think about the second option. If that’s the case, is transhumanism an augmented man or a post human world?

To be perfectly honest with you, I sometimes wonder about the same thing when I see people watching Netflix and devouring hamburgers with an IQ of the temperature of the room. Wouldn’t I be tempted to think, are those humans really useful? YES

So here we are, NODES, controlled by AI, a fully autonomous cyber world with almost no one even knowing the consequences of having AI controlling us and its implications. And there it is, we have the new Frankenstein created by a horde of Dr Strangelove AKA “How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

Dr Strangelove in Stanley Kuckrick’s film suspected to be inspired from Henri Kissinger

The human “progress” is unstoppable and is going to reach its fate, either its own destruction or becoming gods themselves.

“A man’s ego is the fountainhead of human progress.”

Ayn Rand

AI, the new Frankenstein? Who was Frankenstein? Well, as you may know the book Frankenstein from Mary Shelley is also called The New Prometheus.

“I ought to be thy Adam, but I am rather the fallen angel…”

Mary Shelley, Frankenstein or The New Prometheus

Men in their rebellion against God are trying to imitate what God has given them. This process has been in the making since man mastered fire and nothing has stopped since then. War has been raging although 99.999% of the people did not even notice they were part of this revolution.

The 0.001% who noticed, probably only a fraction of them are in a counter revolution against the world itself and the 99.999%. The 99.999% are not at war and we should not expect them to wake up to the nature of this world.

“The war is without truce and without mercy between the revolution and those who have remained faithful to God on Earth. Because the revolution is an attempt to organize the world without God and against God, it is satanic in its essence.”
― Bishop Charles Maignen : La doctrine révolutionnaire et ses principes

According to the bible, God made man from clay. We humans created computers also made from the ground itself too. Computers are made from metals extracted from earth just like clay.

What are your conclusions? AI, the new Golem which will make us god-like or the rise of Lucifer (Prometheus)? Have we been fooled to our own destruction?  Was progress the path to Freedom or our own enslavement? This will be the topic of an upcoming article.

AI, the new Golem or the rise of Lucifer?

“Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray thee Lord my soul to keep, Guard me through the starry night, and wake me up in morning’s light”