If you are reading this you are probably part of my inner circle but I have hope some of my words will have an extended reach at some point.
The idea of creating this site started long ago and while some of the concept are borrowed by some work I did in the past for someone that inspired me, the nature and concept of this project are totally different in Nature.
I would be happy to share more about the inspiration behind this design if the individual expresses their agreement to be cited in these lines.

The story

As for myself, I have been in IT, UX / UI Research and design for more than 25 years and when my start-up failed in Japan, partially because of my allergies to the corporate world, I decided it was time to do something radically different.

I came up with this crazy idea that Japanese people should break some of the chains they are attached to and take back some of their freedom. This idealistic idea was to research and expose the mind molding techniques people are confronted with.
Back then, of course, I had no idea what I was really doing and what challenges I could encounter.
Anyway, I hired a film crew, took a few appointments, threw a few emails and there I was a pseudo documentary producer.
The filming started and I had the opportunity to interview many different public people ranging from journalists to military personnel in order to find out what the hell was going on here! After scratching the first layers of bullshit and the few indirect threats I received, I thought it was time to leave this project aside. One was for my sanity and the second for my safety.
The title of this documentary was meant to be “The Battle for Your Mind” and could be still in the making in the back of my mind. For the time being, it’s being set aside because of the overwhelming discoveries I made through this research.

But wait, let me finish by sharing why we are here. Well, after the many years of research, I gradually acquired new perspectives. I admit these could be wrong and if I am, I will be ready to make my sincere apologies. This online platform in the making will serve as a purpose to dissect some of those topics.