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9th January, MMXXV | Welcome.




the Realm of the Senses



While Tikkun Olam may sound familiar to some readers as the term has been used in music, entertainment, and the arts on numerous occasions, it remains completely occult in its meaning and its source for the vast majority of people. Tikkun Olam is a key concept from Judaism, which literally means “the repair of the world”. Sometimes, Tikkun can refer to the following meaning: repair, establish, institute, edit, restore, heal, prepare, legislate, improve, perfect, remedy; Olam seems to be universally accepted as “The World.” First, let’s try to understand its origin from a Judaic perspective and then let’s dig into the consequences it has on our daily lives. After having written Eden to AI and AI as the New Frankenstein, what are the ramifications of Tikkun Olam? What if Transhumanism, feminism, mass immigration, LGBTQ+ movements, social justice, climate change and communism are all inextricably connected together to bring about the achievement of Tikkun Olam called tikkum ha-ba (the world to come)?

Religion & Spirituality

From Eden To Ai

From "Eden to Ai" llustrates the movement of humans throughout history and its fight for its survival sold these days under the guise of progress. It’s about human history and that only a fews can grasp the seriousness of this reality. As written in my previous article, AI is the new Frankenstein but what if it was a bit more than this. Let’s explore and find out the similarities between the birth of man and the creation of AI. While I must admit the religious aspects of it might be difficult to comprehend for some readers, it is important to note that this world is incomprehensible without understanding its religious aspects. You can be an atheist but these basic concepts are key to fully understand the world we live in.



The original panopticon concept was created by **Jeremy Bentham to give correction officers the ability to monitor multiple cells without the inmates being able to know if they are being watched or not**. Because of the possibility of being watched at any moment, the inmates behaved properly. Projects were drafted to create schools and other facilities based on this concept. Some projects were led to success while others were abandoned. You could translate panopticon as “Seeing from all sides” or “All Seeing”. As most people know we have now entered in what we call a “Surveillance Society”, where each of our movements can be tracked and monitored. What are the implication of this on our behavior and where does it lead our societies to? Is there a possibility that we could already be living in a Cyber Panopticon? Thinking about Snowden's leaks and Mark Zuckerberg putting an adhesive on his computer camera both suggest we are being watched; what should we conclude? Are we really being monitored or is this just an illusion of being watched?

Religion & Spirituality

AI, The New Frankenstein

How is AI, Frankenstein, and Transhumanism intricately intertwined? Well, let’s get started. AI is the end game for globalists and to the people in the know, it is the end of humans or what makes us humans; our soul, our empathy and freedom. Men, since the beginning of time, mastered its environment with its intellect, lacking physical attributes that could help him defend himself against ferocious creatures. Revolution after revolution, we progressed and we have been told progress is something wonderful. From the mastering of agriculture 3000 years before Christ to the first, the second, the third and now the fourth industrial revolution.

Opinion & Editorial

The Birth of a Colosse

If you are reading this you are probably part of my inner circle but I have hope some of my words will have an extended reach at some point. The idea of creating this site started a long ago and while some of the concept are borrowed by some work I did in the past for someone that inspired me, the nature and concept of this project are totally different in Nature. I will gladly tell more about who inspired someone of this design if the person manifest its agreement to be cited in those lines.

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